Special fans
We are able to build special construction based on customer’s specific requests, which collaborate directly with us in order to choose technical and innovative solutions, to make better the performances and reach the final target. Some special fans that are requested (on drawing, custom-made) from our customers are the following:

Fan diam.1600mm with electric motor 37KW – 6pole – B3. Frames with reiforced motor support, with technical details expressly requested from the customer.

Fan diameter 2600mm, with gearmotor 3KW – 300rpm, able to give about 180000m3/h; it is used in cooling tower and application with presence of polluted air.

Fan diameter 1250mm, with electric motor 5,5KW – 6 pole – B3. Fanplate and motor support realized from customer specification.
Fan diameter 900mm, with electric motor 15KW – 4 pole – B3. Positionated on hydraulic elevator, lifting height about 8mt.